OSControl Xtra

  Frequently Asked Questions
Known bugs and incompatibilities
Frequently Asked Questions
 This is a list of the most frequently asked questions about the OSControl Xtra... and the answers.

Why do my mask images refuse to work with OSbevelButton members?

  Make sure your masks are 8 bit or less and (if they aren't 1 bit) that they use the Grayscale palette. If you use 8 bit icon members it is possible that when your movie is not running your icons will become black and white.

Will there be a Mac OS X version of the OSControl Xtra?

  Yes, the OSControl Xtra also works on Mac OS X. A version of the OSControl Xtra for Mac OS X (version 1.3) was released on February 1, 2003. You can download it in our downloads section.

Will the OSControl Xtra work in Windows XP?

  The OSControl Xtra works in the XP version of the Windows operating system. But the look and feel will be just like in the other versions of Windows. In order to stay backward compatible (Windows XP controls can have a different size) we're still investigating how we will implement the new Windows XP look.

Will the OSControl Xtra work under MacOs 7.6?

  No, the minimum OS version of the Mac OSControl Xtra is 8.5. This is due to the fact that Apple has changed a lot in the Appearance extension and libraries to make the OS ready for Mac OS X. In the documentation you'll find a handler that you can use to check if the minimum requirements are met.

How can I preview on Windows how my interface with OSControl Xtra members will look under MacOS?

  The only way to see how your interface looks on a given platform, is to test on that platform. Since the OSControl members aren't graphics included in the Xtra (hence the small size) there is no way to do a preview on Mac how it looks on Windows or vice versa.

I'm seeing strange things with the OSControls happening on my Macintosh: some controls are not available, they change shape and color when pressed etc.

  Please make sure you're NOT using Kaleidoscope, a Macintosh application to change the system appearance. The OSControl Xtra is not compatible with Kaleidoscope. If you're seeing this when you haven't installed Kaleidoscope it might be that you are using a custom theme that doesn't have all widgets implemented.

Why is there no DropDown/PopUp menu OSControl type?

  As of version 1.1 (released on May 2, 2001) there is a OSpopupMenu control.

Why can't I make a projector with the Demo version? Why doesn't the Demo version work in Shockwave?

  Well, maybe because it's a Demo version? We want to sell you this Xtra so we have crippled it in some ways. Rest assured however, the registered version of the OSControl Xtra makes excellent projectors. For your viewing pleasure we have included a downloadable Projector (Mac and Win) in the Download section.

Does the OSControl Xtra work with Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and other double-byte fonts?

  No, unfortunately the OSControl Xtra doesn't work with those languages/fonts at the moment. We've planned to make this work in a future version.

The properties of my OSControl sprites appear only after the movie has been played. Why?

  This only happens in Director 7. We had to disable a function in Director 7 because of a severe memory leak cause by a bug in Director 7. Fortunately the bug was fixed in D8. More information about this bug can be read in the OSControl Documentation.

The demo movies look very dull and grey on my system. How can I get the cool looking, colorful images that I see on your screenshots?

  That is one of the main features of the OSControl Xtra: it allows you to make interfaces that look exactly the same as interfaces of 'real' programs. If played back on a dull grey system, they will also look dull. You can try it for yourself: go to your Display properties Control Panel (Appearance for Macs) and change the appearance 'theme' of your system. The demo movies and even the Shockwave Examples will adapt their looks to your changed settings. One Director file containing OSControl cast members can look completely different on different machines.

My PopUp menus show many strange characters, and not the text I have set. What do I do wrong?

  Yes, this is a known Windows-only bug in the OSControl Xtra version 1.2 and before. Please upgrade to version 1.3 of the OSControl Xtra.

I've bought a newer version of Director. How do I get a keyfile that works in that new version of Director?

  Read the 'ReadMe.html' that came with your keyfile. If you don't have that file anymore (why do people wipe clean their harddisk so often?) you can try to download it again. It is still waiting for you at the same location on our server. If you don't know the location anymore because you accidentally deleted that email, you can contact us by email and we will gladly look it up for you.

I've bought Director MX for the Macintosh. Where is the version of the OSControl Xtra that works on Mac OS X?

  The OSControl Xtra for Mac OS X (version 1.3) was released on February 1, 2003. You can download it in our downloads section.

I have installed my keyfile and still I get those red Demo lines through all of my OSControl sprites. What should I do now?

  We're sorry to hear that. It happens sometimes and can have various causes.

Please try these things (one at the time):

You probably don't need to go any further as point 2.
  • Delete the file 'dirapi.mch'. Director will make a new one on startup. This file contains references to all available xtras. This is often happening if you are using Director MX. It's really persistent in not updating this file.
  • If you're on Windows do a 'View Properties' (click on the file with your right mousebutton) on the 'OSCNTRL.BRD' file and see if it lists the correct version(s) of Director. Note: Director MX = version 8.5 on Windows and 9.0 on Mac.
  • Make sure your keyfile is in the same (sub) folder as the OSControl Xtras in your xtras folder.
  • Please verify that the MIX Services Xtra is also present in your Xtras folder.
  • Remove all non-Macromedia Xtras just to check if there is no Xtra conflict.
  • What version of the demo OSControl Xtra is it? Check and make sure it is at least version 1.2.
  • (if appropriate) Exchange the MX and the 8.5 version. They might have got mixed up.
If this still isn't helping:
  • Send us your xtraList: type 'put the xtraList' in the message window.
  • Top

    Sometimes the properties like button text I've set in one OScontrol will bleed over to another OScontrol in the next section of my movie. How can I prevent that?

      You'll have to issue a initProps() command on the second sprites beginSprite handler.
    This function is a workaround for a limitation in Director regarding 'sprite spans'. When you use behavior initializers for setting OSControl sprite properties, or when you set these sprite properties through Lingo you may encounter this limitation. Imagine two sprite spans, both using the same score channel and both referencing the same OSControl member. Now when you've set certain properties in the first span, and then jump to the second, Director will NOT reset any of the OSControl sprite properties. It will reset properties like "rect", "locH" (the standard props), but it will not notify the OSControl sprite that a new span has been entered. Therefore, OSControl sprites can't redraw themselves correctly and you'll have to 'manually' force a property-reset. This is done by putting the following line in your beginSprite handler:


    This is a Director "bug" that we've reported to Macromedia. Some of Director's native Xtras suffer from this problem too (e.g. VectorShape).


    When I insert a slider or scrollbar it always is a horizontal one. How can I make vertical sliders and scrollbars?

      OSsliders and OSscrollbars change orientation depending how their rect is shaped. If their width is smaller than their height they will be vertical oriented, otherwise they will be horizontal oriented. So you just have to drag one of the rect control points and change the shape of the rect until it suits your needs.

    When I view the old Demo movies in Mac OS X I get an alert saying that the OSControl Xtra needs at least Mac OS 8.5. What's up?

      That's an error that is caused by the Lingo playback platform check in those movies. It's caused by an anomaly in Director's string comparison. Try this in the Message Window:
    put "9.2" > "8"
    -- 1
    put "10.2.3" > "8"
    -- 0
    Here is a new, working version of that code in the on prepareMovie handler:
    on prepareMovie
      -- code to test version number of MacOS so you can 
      -- alert users who still use MacOS < 8.5
      -- it uses the *free* Mac version of the Buddy API Xtra 
      -- which can be found on <http:/www.mods.au>
      -- ideally this code should be placed in the preparemovie 
      -- handler of stub projector that then branches to your
      -- project or, if the minimum system version is not met, 
      -- to another movie that informs the user.
      if the platform contains "Mac" then
        goodversion = 1
        xtraList = string(the XtraList)
        if xtraList contains "buddy" then --check if BuddyAPI Xtra is present
          macVer = string(baVersion("mac"))
          oldDelimiter = the itemdelimiter
          the itemdelimiter = "."
          if integer(macVer.item[1]) > 8 then -- version is at least 9
            exit -- we're running Mac OS 9 or higher
          end if
          the itemdelimiter = oldDelimiter
          if macVer < "8.5" then --running pre MacOS 8.5 system
            goodversion = 0
          end if
          if NOT goodVersion then
            alert "This movie requires the OSControl Xtra that is" && RETURN & \
            "not compatible with your system version." &RETURN& \
            "Upgrade to MacOS 8.5 or later and try again."
            halt --stop further execution of movie
          end if
        end if
      end if 
    end prepareMovie
    Known bugs and incompatibilities

    • Kaleidoscope
      OSControl Xtra Mac is not completely compatible with Kaleidoscope, a system 'hack' to change the system's appearance. Your projects won't crash, but not all controls will be recognized and various other things could be wrong. We are sorry to say that we can't fix this.
    • Windowblinds
      OSControl Xtra Windows is not completely compatible with Windowblinds, a similar Windows utility as Kaleidoscope for the Mac. OSControl honors the color changes from the Windowblinds settings, but ignores the changes in the look of buttons and other controls. We are sorry to say that we can't fix this.
    • MediaReady will probably return true for Bevel buttons with icons, even if these icons and their masks aren't loaded yet. You have to check mediaReady on those icons and masks as well.
    • [Fixed in version 1.2] Only in D7: due to a bug in Director 7 (fortunately fixed in D8) every instance of the OSControl Xtra leaks a little amount of memory. This memory isn't released by Director and can lead to a memory shortage and even a crash of your project. We're trying to find a workaround for this leakage in Director 7 that doesn't criple the functionality of the OSControl Xtra. Version 1.2 fixed this bug.
    • OSControl Xtra scrollbars don't work well with scrollwheel mice. Because our scrollbars are not attached to windows or fields they never get the messages sent by the scrollwheel mouse.
    • The OSControl Xtra doesn't work with Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and other double-byte fonts. We are investigating the possibilities to include this functionality in future versions.
    • If you have a dual monitor system, and you send a "click" message to an OSpopupMenu or OSmenu sprite, the menu may not appear on the correct position if the current mouse location is not in the monitor where the control is.
    • If you use the example movies and behavior library in Director 8.5 or higher, the behaviors will throw up errors.
      This is because Macromedia decided that the old continuation character (¬) is now obsolete, after a new continuation character (\) was introduced in D8.0.

      So in order to use the behaviors in this library cast you'll have to open the cast in Director (version 8 or higher), and do a search and replace for ¬ and change it in \. Select the radio button in front of 'Cast OSControls' so all scripts are searched. Then check if everything went well by choosing 'Recompile All Scripts' from the 'Control' menu. After that you can save the file, you probably want to save it directly in your Director 8.5 Library folder. The old version will still work okay in Director 7.02 and 8.0.
    • [Fixed in version 1.2]In version 1.1.0 you can't change the visible property of a sprite channel containing an OSControl cast member, either in the Score or with Lingo. This small bug was fixed in version 1.2.
    • [Fixed in version 1.3] if you press characters on your keyboard to jump to items in a dropdown list in Windows, some debug information is put to the message window. This is not harmfull in any way, but will be fixed in the next version.
    • [Fixed in version 1.3] In OSpopupMenus under Windows sometimes you see garbage text. Workaround is given in the FAQ entry above.
    • [Fixed in version 1.3]You can't use 'special' characters like /, < and ( in OSpopupMenu and OSmenus because they got filtered out by the OS. This is the same behavior that also happens in Director's own 'installMenu' command. We're looking for a workaround in a future version.
    • The 'duplicate()' and 'new()' functions don't work reliable with OSControl members. To make an OSControl member you need the (author only) OSControl Options Xtra. These functions need to be avoided, as a workaround you can use pre-made OSControl members and set their properties via Lingo.
    • Script errors may cause update() handler to exit abruptly. Director (MOA) bug, can't be fixed by us.
    • Changing a MIAW's windowType after updateControl() will destroy OSControl sprite properties. Director 'feature', can't be fixed by us.